mother cognitive dissonance is a fangame for the mother series released in 2009 by otherhand. the game takes place between mother 1 and mother 2 (earthbound),
the story goes that a grouop of aliens trying to prevent what giegue does in earthbound and save the world. i wont spoil the rest of the story, but the game does actually show what happened before mother 1 as well.
that part where i talk about why i like something
as for my thoughts on this game, i love this game. i used to play the older versions a bit as a kid, but i properly played it back in 2020 (we dont talk about that year 😁). it was also one of the first games i downloaded.
i essentially played it for giegue as well as the fact that i was super into the mother series at the time.
the game also has lovable characters. ranging from a bunch of best pals, to a guy who went throught Some Shit.
and now for my favourite characters. my number one fav is elmadan, second would be the mysterious reasearcher named cerue, and third is the dazzling captain deepsea. i could go on with how much im obsessed with these characters but im too lazy to put all my brainrot in this page
though i will say that in terms of favorite characters i like to draw the most would have to be the funny captain guy himself
look at him go.
not kidding by the way. if you look at my archive of arts from previous years, you might see a certain blue guy billions times. hell, i even have some ocs inconsciously inspired by him. (notable example is the original iteration of a certain old captain guy. "which one?")
maybe i should make a deepsea shrine next thats basically just be dumping all my art of him
i swear im an elmadan fan D:
the "???" section
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i never know how to end these ngl
i guess i could talk about the ost? they slap. i especially love maybe we are alone and you're not alone!! both sounds very spacelike. i remember back in 2021 i'd always listen to these to get The Vibes when im drawing star trek, or play [REDACTED] (a certain roblox game im too scared to mention because of the playerbase)(the game is good but the players uhh)
anyways, favourite enemies
- starmen. love em, hate how much damage they deal in earthbound. NEVER fight the celine crew under level 26.
- space pirates and buccaneers. theyre borgs. im the only borg enjoyer ever, that includes the pirates
- tina. funni robot. but why do they hit hard im trying to not softlock because i die.